Many landowners and businesses have pursued and benefited from an unexpected source of revenue from their property, a cell tower. Once a tower is up and running on your property, it may seem like a windfall. However, securing a lease for the tower and keeping this stream of income flowing can be challenging. Certainly, additional revenue collected from a cell-tower lease can be beneficial to the property owner, but if not properly protected, the lease could create hardship, lost business, or an inability to sell your property.
At the Thurman Law Firm, we provide services to landowners and businesses regarding every legal aspect involving cell tower leases. Whether it is representation on lease negotiations, re-negotiations or sub-leases, litigation, environmental due diligence, landlord tenant disputes, or general lease management, we have attorneys with the necessary experience and expertise to assist you. Our Firm partners with cell tower experts from across the United States to ensure that your case is handled by a team of professionals with the most current and up to date developments in the telecommunications towers. Wandering alone into negotiations can be a daunting and often overwhelming task. Our Firm can make sure your interests are protected and that your cell tower lease is an asset to your property, not a liability.
Thurman Law also provides extensive legal assistance to individuals and businesses that require re-negotiations of existing cell tower leases. As telecommunications companies merge and new technology develops, leaseholders are often requested by these companies to renew their current lease agreement without any opportunity for review from an attorney. However, many of these leases are outdated, provide for payments well below fair market value and offer little to no protection to the landowner. Our attorneys not only understand the importance of re-negotiating terms and conditions to protect your property rights, but also the structure of payments that gain you fair market value for a tower in your area.
Should you have any legal issues or needs regarding cell tower leases or other communications towers, our firm has the ability and experience to provide you with effective and efficient representation to ensure your rights are protected.